ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

I Am... (Nas album)

Hey there kiddo, so imagine that there’s this really cool musician named Nas, and he made an album called "I Am..." This album is all about his stories and experiences, and how he thinks about things in the world around him. It’s like a really long storybook, except the words are spoken out loud instead of just written down.

When Nas made this album, he wanted to tell people about all the different parts of his life and what he’s been through. He talks about things like his family, his childhood, and his experiences as a rapper. There are also some really cool beats and sounds that go along with his words, kind of like how a movie has a soundtrack.

By listening to "I Am..." you can learn a lot about Nas as a person and what he thinks about different things. You might even find some parts of the album that really resonate with you and your own life experiences. So if you ever feel like listening to some good music and hearing some interesting stories, give "I Am..." a try!