ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever played with Lego bricks? Imagine you have two Lego characters, and they want to tell each other a secret, but they can't yell it across the room. So they need a special way to talk quietly to each other. That's what i2c is.

i2c is a way for different electronic devices, like sensors and displays, to talk to each other without making too much noise. It's like having a secret code that only they can understand.

Just like the Lego characters need to hold hands to talk, the electronic devices also need to be physically connected together. They use special wires called "data" and "clock" wires. The data wire is like the Lego characters' hands, and the clock wire is like a metronome that helps everyone keep the same beat.

When the devices are connected and ready to talk, they use the i2c code to send messages back and forth. It's like the Legos telling each other secrets in their secret code language.

So, i2c is basically a way for different electronic devices to talk to each other quietly and in secret code. It's like Legos holding hands and whispering secrets to each other.