ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


So, you know how sometimes we need to send messages from one place to another place? Like, if you want to ask your mom to buy milk from the grocery store, you can't just shout it out and hope she hears you. You need to write it down or say it to her directly.

Well, companies and big organizations need to do the same thing, but they have so many messages to send that they can't just use regular email or text messaging. That's why they use something called IBM MQ.

IBM MQ is like a big post office for messages. It helps companies send messages from one computer to another computer, even if those computers are far apart. But it's not just about sending the messages - IBM MQ also helps make sure the message gets to the right place and that it doesn't get lost or mixed up along the way.

It's kind of like a librarian too. Just like how a librarian keeps all the books organized and makes sure the right book gets to the right person, IBM MQ keeps all the messages organized and makes sure the right message gets to the right computer.

So, IBM MQ is basically like a very helpful post office and librarian all rolled into one!