ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IBM PC keyboard

An IBM PC keyboard is a device that lets you type text into a computer by pressing buttons with letters, numbers, and symbols on them. It looks like a rectangular thing with lots of small buttons on top.

When you press a button on the keyboard, it sends a signal to the computer telling it what button was pressed. The computer then displays that letter, number, or symbol on the screen so you can see what you typed.

The IBM PC keyboard was one of the first types of keyboards that people used with personal computers back in the olden days. It was created by a company called IBM and became very popular because it was easy to use and reliable.

The IBM PC keyboard has some special buttons on it too, like the "Escape" key, that does something different depending on what program you're using. There is also a "Shift" key that lets you type in uppercase letters, a "Backspace" key that deletes letters you've typed, and a "Ctrl" key that lets you do special things like copy and paste text.

Overall, the IBM PC keyboard is a very important tool for typing on a computer, and it has been used by millions of people to write all sorts of things like stories, essays, and emails.