ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IEC 62196

IEC 62196 is a set of rules that explain how to plug in an electric car to charge it up. Just like you plug in your tablet or phone to charge, cars need to be charged too! But charging a car is a bit more complicated than charging a tablet.

IEC 62196 tells us how to make sure the plug and the socket (the place where the plug goes in) are safe, and how to make sure the electricity goes from the socket to the car battery. This is important, because we don't want any electricity to escape or cause a fire.

IEC 62196 also tells us the different types of plugs and sockets that can be used to charge a car, so that different types of electric cars can all use the same type of plug, even if they are made by different companies. Just like different toys might need different batteries, different cars might need different types of plugs or sockets to charge.

So, IEC 62196 helps us safely charge electric cars, and make sure that different types of cars can all use the same type of plug.