ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when we write things down, we want to make it easier for us to read or understand? InterCal is kind of like that, but for computers to read.

See, computers are very smart but they only understand specific ways of talking to them. It's called computer language. And sometimes, we humans want to write computer programs that are a bit more fun or easier to understand.

That's where InterCal comes in. It's a programming language that's designed to be really weird and confusing, but also kind of funny. It's not intended for serious use, but rather to be a fun project for programmers to work on.

Some of the things you can do in InterCal are talking to your computer using fake pigeon sounds, putting random Shakespeare quotes in your program, or even having your program sing a song! It's really silly and not very useful, but sometimes it's fun to play around with.

So that's InterCal in a nutshell — a programming language that's designed to make computers do silly things and make us chuckle. It's not meant to be used for serious projects, but it's a fun way for programmers to get creative and stretch their brains a bit.