ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IP over Avian Carriers

Ok kiddo, so you know how we use the Internet to send messages, videos and pictures to people far away from us? Well, sometimes, in very remote places, there is not a good Internet connection, so people have to be creative and find other ways to send their messages.

One way to send messages in these remote places is by using birds! Yes, you heard that right, birds. People attach a tiny computer chip to a pigeon or another bird and then send it flying to the other person's location.

The computer chip is programmed to send the message, video or picture as soon as it reaches the other end, kind of like how we send a message on our phones. The bird acts like a postman, taking the message with it and delivering it to the other person.

Now, this type of message delivery is not as fast as our phones or the Internet, because birds can only fly so fast and they have to rest and eat. It would take a really long time to send a big file like a movie or even a long email.

But imagine if you lived in a place with no roads, no phone lines and no Internet - a bird might be your best chance of communicating with someone else far away. Plus, it's kind of cool to think about birds delivering our messages like a magical bird post!

This is what "IP over avian carriers" means - it's a way to send our Internet messages using birds as the carriers. It might not be very efficient, but it's a good example of how humans can be resourceful and creative when it comes to communication.