ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

IS audit

Hello there! So, an audit is when grown-ups check to make sure that everything is being done correctly.

Let's use an example: Have you ever helped your parents clean your room? When they come in to check if it's clean, they might look around to see if your toys are put away, your bed is made, and there's no dirty clothes on the floor. This is like an audit for your room!

Audits can happen in many different places, like at school, at the doctor's office, and even at banks. A person called an auditor will come to check if everything is done right. For example, at a bank, an auditor might check if the money is being counted correctly and if all the customers' accounts are being taken care of properly.

The auditor will write a report with their findings. It's like a big note to show that they checked everything and it was either good or it needs to be fixed. This way, everyone can know if things are being done the right way.

I hope this helps you understand what an audit is!