ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what a book is? It's a thing that you read with words and pictures in it. And do you know what a barcode is? It's a special sticker that has lines on it that help people know what the thing is and how much it costs.

So, isbndb.com is like a big library of information about books. It has a lot of information about book barcodes called ISBNs. These special numbers help people know which book they are looking at and where to find it if they want to buy it.

You can go to isbndb.com and search for a book's ISBN number to learn all sorts of information about it. You can find out who wrote it, what it's about, and even see a picture of the cover. It's really helpful if you need to do some research on a book or if you are trying to find a certain book to buy.

So, in short, isbndb.com is a website that helps people find information about books and their unique barcode numbers called ISBNs.