ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so have you ever seen a TV before? You know how there are different channels you can flip through to watch different shows? Well, ISDB-T is a way that people in some countries (like Japan and Brazil) can watch TV using a special kind of signal.

Basically, the TV stations send out their signals in a way that's like a puzzle. The puzzle pieces are all jumbled up, and your TV has to put them together to show you the picture on the screen. ISDB-T is a way that the puzzle pieces are organized and sent out so that your TV can put them together more easily and show you a clear picture.

It's kind of like how when you're building with Legos, you want all the pieces organized by color and size so it's easier to build the thing you want. ISDB-T helps organize the TV signals so that your TV can build the show you want to watch without any confusion.