ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ISIRI 6672

ISIRI 6672 is a set of rules created by the Iranian government to make sure that everyone in the country uses the same way of writing and typing in Farsi, which is the language of Iran.

Think of it like this: Just like how you have to learn the ABCs to read and write in English, in Iran people have to learn a specific set of rules for typing Farsi on a computer or writing it on paper. These rules help make sure that everyone writes the same way and that it's easy for people to read what others have written.

ISIRI 6672 tells us how each letter in Farsi should be typed or written, and what symbols to use. It also includes instructions on how to write and type certain words with multiple meanings, so that everyone is clear about what the writer means.

In simpler terms, ISIRI 6672 helps Iranians write and type in Farsi consistently so that it's easy for everyone to understand each other.