ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ISO/IEC 80000

ISO/IEC 80000 is a set of rules made by important people to help people understand how to use numbers and units in a clear way. It's like a big rulebook that tells us how to talk about and measure different things, like length, weight, and time.

Think about it like this: you know how your teacher tells you to write your name at the top of your paper and put the date? Well, ISO/IEC 80000 is like that for numbers and units. It tells us how to write and say numbers and units to make sure everyone understands each other.

For example, let's say we want to talk about how heavy something is. ISO/IEC 80000 tells us to use the unit of measurement called "kilogram" to measure weight, and to write it as "kg". This way, if someone tells you something weighs 2 kg, you know exactly how heavy it is.

Overall, ISO/IEC 80000 helps make communication about numbers and units clearer and more consistent for everyone, just like how your teacher's rules make sure everyone's papers are organized and easy to understand.