ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so you know how when you draw a picture, you usually have to start with something called a "grid" that helps you make sure everything is the right size and in the right place? Well, when people are planning big things like cities or neighborhoods or even some buildings, they use something kind of like a grid called an Isocarp.

An Isocarp is like a special map that shows where all the different parts of the city or neighborhood or building are going to go. It's really important because it helps make sure that everything is in the right place and that people can easily get around without any problems.

The Isocarp has lots of little lines and numbers and pictures that show things like where the roads are going to be and where the buildings will be and what kinds of things will be inside those buildings. It also shows where things like parks, playgrounds, and other important places like hospitals and schools will be located.

So basically, an Isocarp is a map that helps make sure that everything in the city or neighborhood or building is organized and easy to understand. It's kind of like a art project where the artist starts with a grid and fills in all the little details to make something really beautiful and functional.