ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ice mélange

Ice mélange is like a big, swirling soup made of sea ice, ocean water and air. It happens when ice chunks in the ocean start to break apart and mix with the water around them. As the waves move it around, it starts to blend together until it becomes a big jumble of ice pieces and water.

Think of it like when you mix water and your favorite kind of cereal in a bowl. Your cereal pieces move around in the milk and some might break off into small pieces, and the milk turns into a creamy soup that your cereal pieces float around in. This is kind of like what happens when ice mélange occurs, but with much bigger pieces!

Scientists study ice mélange because it can have a big impact on things like the movement of the ocean and how much sunlight and heat gets absorbed by the ocean. It's also really cool to watch from a distance, just like swirly, colorful soups with different textures are fascinating to us as hungry little humans!