ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ideal triangle

An ideal triangle is a really special kind of triangle that exists in math-land (also called geometry). It's a triangle that is perfectly balanced and has some special properties that make it different from other triangles.

Just like how you need three sides to make a triangle, an ideal triangle also has three sides: let's call them A, B, and C. And since it's an ideal triangle, all three sides are the same length! They're equal, just like how you might share your cookies equally with your friends.

Another special thing about an ideal triangle is that all three angles (the points where the sides meet) are also the same size. Imagine cutting a pizza into three equal slices- they would all be the same size and shape, just like the angles in an ideal triangle.

When you put all these things together- equal sides and equal angles- you get a really balanced and neat looking triangle that mathematicians love to talk about. It's kind of like a good friend who always shares and is fair- we want to be around them because they're just so nice and easy to be around.

So that's what an ideal triangle is, a very special and balanced triangle that has equal sides and angles.