ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Iguana Yachts

Ok kiddo, so you know what a boat is right? Well, Iguana Yachts is a special kind of boat called an amphibious boat. That means it can go on land as well as in the water!

Iguana yachts have special legs, kind of like the legs on a frog. These legs can lift the boat up off the ground and walk it onto the beach or onto land. But when it's time to go back in the water, the legs fold up and the boat can swim just like a normal boat.

So, why would anyone want an Iguana yacht? Well, it's because it can go places that other boats can't. It can go onto remote beaches, shallow waters or even up to your front door! It's also really handy for people who have homes on the water and want to be able to drive their boat straight up to their house.

Iguana yachts are a really cool invention, combining the best of both worlds: land and sea!