ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ilê Aiyê

Ilê Aiyê is a special group that comes from Brazil, and they have been around for a long time. They like to sing and dance and wear cool costumes.

They come from a place called Salvador, which is in Brazil. Salvador is known for its music, dancing, and traditions. People from Salvador are very proud of their culture, and this is where Ilê Aiyê comes from.

Ilê Aiyê has a very special message, they want everyone to feel equal and happy. They use their music and dancing to spread this message around the world.

When people go to see Ilê Aiyê, they get to see lots of different kinds of music and dancing. They also get to see people from different backgrounds all coming together to celebrate.

Ilê Aiyê is really cool because they are all about spreading love and happiness. They want everyone to feel included, no matter who they are. So if you ever get a chance to see Ilê Aiyê, make sure you go and check it out!