Image moments are a way to describe pictures using numbers. Imagine you have a coloring book of a cat. You can use numbers to describe the cat’s shape and color. For example, you can count how many dots are in the cat’s eyes, or how many squares you used to color in the cat’s fur. These numbers tell you something about the cat’s appearance.
In the same way, image moments give us numbers to describe pictures. They are called moments because they measure how much mass (or “stuff”) is located at different positions in an image. Essentially, image moments help us calculate the center of the picture, the size of objects and how they are placed in the picture, and also the orientations of these objects. This information can be used in image processing and computer vision applications, like detecting objects automatically in pictures.
For example, let’s say we have a picture of a circle. Using image moments, we can find out where the center of the circle is and how big it is. We start by assigning values to each pixel in the image based on its brightness. The brighter the pixel, the higher the value. We then use these brightness values to calculate the moments of the image. The first moment tells us where the center of the image is located. The second moment tells us how big the image is.
In conclusion, image moments are mathematical tools that help us describe pictures with numbers. They can tell us important information about the center of the picture, the size of objects, and how they are placed in the picture. By using image moments, we can analyze pictures and extract useful information without having to look at the picture in detail.