ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Immersion v. Sony

Okay kiddo, so there are two types of virtual reality headset: one is called "Immersion" and the other is called "Sony".

The Immersion headset is made by a company called Oculus, and it is a really cool piece of technology that you put on your head like a big hat. When you are wearing the Immersion headset, you feel like you are actually inside the game or movie that you are playing. You can look all around you and see everything in 360 degrees, and it feels like you're really there!

The Sony headset, on the other hand, is called the PlayStation VR, and it is made by Sony. It also lets you feel like you're inside the game or movie that you're playing, but it works a little bit differently than the Immersion headset. The Sony headset needs to be connected to a PlayStation console, which is like a big box that plays video games.

Both the Immersion and Sony headsets are really cool, and they both let you feel like you're really inside a game or a movie. But they work in slightly different ways, and some people might like one better than the other. It all depends on what you like and what kind of games or movies you want to play!