ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Imperial Chinese tributary system

The imperial Chinese tributary system was kind of like a club where China was the leader, and other countries who were members had to follow certain rules and show respect to China. Sort of like the leader of a group of friends who everyone looks up to and tries to please.

China would send out envoys or representatives to different countries, and those countries would have to give them presents and show them respect. The countries that were members also had to regularly give presents to China, sort of like sending a gift to a friend. That was called tribute.

In exchange, China would protect those countries from attacks by enemies and help them out in other ways too. So, being part of the club had benefits, like having a big and powerful friend who would help you out in times of need.

China thought of itself as the center of the world, so it was important to them that other countries looked up to them and saw them as the most important country. That's why they had the tributary system, so that they could show their power and influence over other countries.