ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Imperial Diet (Holy Roman Empire)

Ok kiddo, so once upon a time, a really long time ago (like even before your parents were born), there was a place called the Holy Roman Empire. And the Holy Roman Empire was a group of many different lands and kingdoms in Europe, kind of like how your different toys in your toybox are all different but still belong to you.

Now, in this Holy Roman Empire, they had something called an 'imperial diet'. This wasn't a diet like how mommy and daddy talk about eating healthy and not having too many sweets. Instead, it was a big meeting where all the important people in the Holy Roman Empire would come together to talk about things like laws and money and taxes.

Just like when you and your siblings have differing opinions on what game to play, the people at the imperial diet would also sometimes have different opinions. So they would talk and talk until they reached a decision that everyone could agree on (kind of like how mommy and daddy sometimes negotiate with you about bedtime).

And that's basically what the imperial diet was - a big meeting where important people in the Holy Roman Empire would talk and make decisions together.