ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Impossible Foods

Hello there little one! Today, let's talk about something called Impossible Foods. Have you ever heard of them?

Well, Impossible Foods is a company that makes special plant-based foods. These foods are designed to taste like meat even though they're made entirely from plants! Isn't that amazing?

Now, you might be wondering how they do it. The key ingredient in Impossible Foods is called heme, which is an iron-containing molecule that's found in meat. It's what gives meat its unique flavor and smell.

So what Impossible Foods does is take yeast cells and genetically modify them to produce heme. Then, they use that heme to make their plant-based meats taste just like the real thing!

But that's not all. The people at Impossible Foods also use other protein sources like soybeans and potatoes to create the texture and structure of meat. They also add in other natural ingredients like coconut oil and potato starch to make their plant-based meats moist and juicy.

So now, you can enjoy the taste of meat without harming any animals or the environment! It's a win-win situation. Plus, plant-based foods are often healthier for you, too. So, it's good for your body and for the planet.

That's a basic explanation of what Impossible Foods is all about. Do you have any questions, little one?