ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Improper integral

Okay kiddo, so do you remember what an integral is? It's like when we find the area under a curve.

Now, sometimes we want to find the area under a curve that goes on forever. That might sound weird, but some curves just keep going and going and going.

When we want to find the area under one of those curves, we use something called an improper integral.

An improper integral is like a regular integral, but instead of having a specific starting and ending point, it goes to infinity or negative infinity.

So we have to do some special math to figure out the area under the curve when it goes on forever.

We can also have an improper integral when the curve has a spot where it's not defined, like a big hole in the middle. In that case, we have to break up the integral into parts and do some extra math to figure it out.

Overall, improper integrals are like tricky puzzles we have to solve to find the area under curves that don't behave like we're used to.