ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

In Praise of Slow

Imagine you're walking with your mom or dad to the park. You can see everything around you - flowers, trees, people walking their dogs. You can hear birds chirping and feel the warm sun on your face. This is what being slow is all about.

When we do things too fast, we don't have time to enjoy the little things. We rush through meals, playtime, and other activities without really taking them in. When we slow down, we can fully appreciate the world around us.

Slowing down also helps us stay healthy. When we eat too fast, we can get stomach aches. When we play too hard without resting, we can get hurt. And when we get too stressed out, we can have trouble sleeping or get sick.

So, it's important to take things slow sometimes. Enjoy your food, your friends, and the world around you. Take the time to appreciate them and you'll feel happier and healthier.