ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inara (goddess)

Inara is a goddess from ancient Hittite mythology. She was worshipped by people who lived a long, long time ago.

Imagine you're playing make-believe in your backyard with your friends. You might pretend to be a superhero, a princess, or even a pirate! Inara was like a superhero to the people who worshipped her. They believed that she had special powers and could do things that no regular person could do.

Inara was kind of like Mother Nature. She was in charge of things like the fields, the crops, and the animals. People would ask her to give them good weather for their crops, or to keep their animals healthy. They might even make special offerings to her, like gifts or sacrifices, to show how much they appreciated her help.

Sometimes, people would also turn to Inara for protection. They believed that she could keep them safe from harm and protect them from danger.

Overall, Inara was seen as a very powerful and important goddess. People believed that she could make things better for them and help them overcome their problems.
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