ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inauguration of Donald Trump

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people get chosen to be the leader of their country? Like how a class might choose a student to be the captain of the team? Well, in America, we have a special way of making the person who gets chosen the leader. It's called an inauguration.

Now, an inauguration is like a super fancy party where all the important people in America come together to celebrate the new leader. At the inauguration of Donald Trump, everyone was really excited because he was going to become the 45th president of the United States!

First, there was a big parade where Donald Trump waved to all his fans and supporters who came to watch. Then, he went to a special building in Washington D.C. called the Capitol Building. This is where the government meets to make important decisions.

Once he got there, Donald Trump put his hand on a Bible and promised to be a good leader for America. He said some special words that are called the "Oath of Office." This is when he officially became president!

After that, there was a big speech where Donald Trump talked about his plans for America and how he wanted to make it a better place for everyone to live. He thanked everyone for supporting him and promised to work hard to do a good job.

So, that's what happened at the inauguration of Donald Trump! It was like a big party to celebrate the new president and everyone was really excited for what was to come.