ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Incan agriculture

Alright kiddo, let me tell you about incan agriculture!

So the Incans were people who lived a long time ago in a place called South America. They needed to grow food to eat and they found a really cool way to do it.

First, they found a place to live that had good soil for growing crops. Then, they needed to make the soil even better by adding some things to it to make it more fertile. They did this by taking waste from animals like llamas and using it as fertilizer.

Once they had good soil, they needed to figure out how to water their crops. They didn't have fancy tools like we have today, so they made something called a "terrace," which is a big step or flat area built into a hillside. This helped them make a flat space to farm on and also helped them water their crops. They used a system of channels, called "aqueducts," to bring water from streams and rivers to their crops.

Now it was time to plant the crops, but they were still missing something really important: seeds! The Incans made sure they had enough seeds by saving some from their previous harvest and also by trading with other groups of people. They also developed new varieties of crops, like potatoes, corn, and quinoa.

Finally, it was time to harvest their crops. The Incans used special tools, like a tool called a "chakitaklla," which was used to break up the soil and harvest crops. They were really careful not to waste any of their crops, so they made sure to use every part of the plant, like the leaves and the stems.

And that's how the Incans were able to grow enough food to feed themselves and their families using just the land they had and some hard work!