ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Inclusive Christianity

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are different types of Christianity and they can sometimes have different beliefs and ways they do things? Inclusive Christianity is a type of Christianity that wants to include everyone, no matter who they are or what they believe.

So imagine you're playing with some toys, and there are lots of other kids who want to play too. Inclusive Christianity is like saying "come on, let's all play together!" Even if some of the other kids have different toys or different games they like to play, everyone is welcome to join in.

This means that no matter your skin color, your gender, who you love, or anything else about you, inclusive Christianity says you are valuable and loved just the way you are. So if you ever feel like there's a group that doesn't want to include you, just remember that there are people who believe in inclusive Christianity and you are always welcome to join in with them.