ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Income tax in Canada

Hey there! So, income tax in Canada is a way for the government to collect money from people who earn an income. Income is the money you make from working or doing a job.

Just like how you get a portion of your candy allowance every week, the government takes a portion of your income to help pay for things that are important for our country, like schools, hospitals, and roads. This money is used to make sure that everyone can have access to these things and that they work well.

Now, the amount of money the government takes from your income depends on a few things. First, they look at how much money you make in a year. If you make more money, the government will take a larger portion. If you make less money, they will take a smaller portion.

To figure out how much you owe, the government uses something called a tax bracket. Think of a tax bracket as a ladder with different steps. Each step is a different amount of money you earn. The higher you go on the ladder, the more money you make.

In each step, there is a certain percentage of income that you have to pay in taxes. For example, let's say you earn $10. If the first step on the ladder is 10%, then you would have to pay $1 in taxes. But, if you earn $20, and the second step on the ladder is 20%, then you would have to pay $4 in taxes. That's because 20% of $20 is $4.

To make it easier for everyone, the government automatically takes a small amount of money from your paycheck each time you get paid. This is called a payroll deduction. That way, you don't have to worry about paying a big chunk of money all at once when it's time to file your taxes.

At the end of the year, you have to fill out a special form called a tax return. This form tells the government how much money you made and how much they have already taken from your paycheck. It helps them figure out if you owe any more money or if they need to give you some money back.

So, that's income tax in Canada! It's a way for the government to collect money from people who earn an income to help pay for important things like schools and hospitals. Remember, it's important to always pay your taxes so that our country can keep running smoothly!