ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indentured servitude in Pennsylvania

Indentured servitude in Pennsylvania was a way for people to agree to work for someone for a certain period of time in exchange for things like food, clothing, and a roof over their head. It was kind of like a really long babysitting gig where you don't get paid in money but instead in things you need.

Some people who would become indentured servants came to Pennsylvania from other countries like England or Germany and they were looking for a fresh start in life. Others were born in Pennsylvania but maybe their families couldn't afford to take care of them so they agreed to become an indentured servant until they were old enough to take care of themselves.

When someone decided to become an indentured servant, they would make an agreement with the person who was going to be their "boss" or "master." This agreement was called an "indenture" and it laid out all the terms of the arrangement. Some indentures were for a few years while others were for several years.

While working as an indentured servant, people had to do all kinds of jobs for their master. Some people worked on farms and had to take care of animals or plant and harvest crops. Others worked in houses and helped with cooking and cleaning.

Even though people were not getting paid in money, they learned new skills and sometimes even got an education. Once their indenture was over, they were released and they were free to go and make a life for themselves in Pennsylvania.

Overall, indentured servitude in Pennsylvania provided a way for people to have a place to live and work while they got back on their feet. However, it was not like being a kid with a fun babysitter. It was hard work and people were not in control of their own lives during this period.