ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Independence Day (Algeria)

Independence Day is like a really big birthday for a whole country called Algeria. A long time ago, Algeria was not its own country. It was ruled by another country called France, like how your mom and dad are the boss of you and tell you what to do. But the people of Algeria did not like this, and they decided they wanted to be their own bosses and make their own rules.

It was not easy for them to do this. They had to fight really hard for a long time, like in a big game of tag. After many years, on July 5th, 1962, the people of Algeria finally won the game of tag and became independent. This means they were now their own bosses and could make their own rules.

On Independence Day, people in Algeria celebrate their victory and remember all the people who helped them to win. They might have big parades with music and dancing, and they might eat special foods and have lots of fun. It's a really important day for them, like your birthday or Christmas, but for a whole country!