ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

India sanctions

Okay, kiddo. India is a big country in Asia, and sometimes, other countries or organizations from around the world might be upset with India for doing things they don't like. When these groups are very upset, they might say that India has done something wrong, and they might stop doing business with India. This is called a "sanction," and it means that they won't buy or sell things to India or give them any help.

It's kind of like when you're playing with your friends and one of them does something you don't like, so you stop playing with them for a little while. But instead of just not playing with them, these sanctions can hurt a whole country's economy and make it harder for people to live their everyday lives.

Sometimes these sanctions are put in place because of things like human rights violations or weapons testing, and sometimes they're just because of disagreements between countries. But no matter the reason, they can have a big impact on the people in the country that's being sanctioned.