ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian Group of Seven

Ok kiddo, so the Indian Group of Seven is a group of Indigenous artists from Canada who are really good at making art. There were seven artists in the group and they all worked together in the 1970s to create beautiful and important pieces of artwork.

These artists were all from different Indigenous communities in Canada, and they wanted to use their art to show the world what life was like for Indigenous people. They also wanted to make sure that their culture and traditions were not forgotten.

They used different types of art, like painting, sculpting, and printmaking, to make their pieces. Some of their art was really big and showed important stories from Indigenous history. Other pieces were smaller and showed things like animals or plants that are important to Indigenous culture.

The Indian Group of Seven helped to change the way people thought about Indigenous art. Before, some people thought that Indigenous art was not as important as other art. But the Indian Group of Seven showed that Indigenous art is just as important, and really beautiful too!

So, that's the Indian Group of Seven, a group of Indigenous artists who made amazing art that helps us understand and appreciate Indigenous culture.