ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian Reorganization Act

The Indian Reorganization Act was a law that was created to help Native American tribes in the United States. Imagine you have a bunch of toys, and someone comes and takes them all away, saying you can't have them anymore. That's what happened to Native Americans when settlers arrived and took their land and possessions.

This act helped the tribes get some of their land back and also allowed them to create their own governments. It was like giving them the power to make their own rules and take care of their own communities.

Before this law, the government was telling Native Americans what to do and how to live. With the Indian Reorganization Act, they could make decisions for themselves and have more control over their lives.

It was a really big deal for these communities because it meant they could start to rebuild after so much of their land and resources had been taken away. They were finally able to have a say in their own future.