ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indian-head test pattern

Okay kiddo, do you know what a test pattern is? It's a picture that shows up on the TV when the TV station is doing some tests to make sure everything is working well.

Now, the Indian-Head Test Pattern is a very special kind of test pattern that was used a long time ago, when TVs were first invented. It's called "Indian-Head" because it has a picture of an Indian Chief on it.

The Indian-Head Test Pattern is made up of different shapes and colors, like circles and lines, and each of those shapes and colors helps the people working at the TV station to check if the TV is showing the picture correctly.

This test pattern was really important in the past because TVs were not always good at showing the picture clearly. People had to adjust the TV settings to make sure everything looked good, and the Indian-Head Test Pattern helped them do that.

Nowadays, TVs are much better at showing the picture clearly, so we don't see the Indian-Head Test Pattern very often. But it's still important to know about it because it was a big part of TV history!