ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indigenous peoples in Ecuador

So, imagine that you and your family have always lived in the same house and had everything you needed there. But one day, some other people come and tell you that you have to leave your house because they want to build something else there. This makes you feel sad, right?

This is what happened in Ecuador with the indigenous peoples, who have lived there for thousands of years. Some other people, who came from Europe a long time ago, decided that they wanted to take the land where the indigenous peoples lived to exploit its resources, like gold and oil, and use it for their own benefits.

The indigenous peoples of Ecuador have been fighting for their rights and lands for many years. They have their own cultures, languages, and traditions, and they want to be able to continue living in the places where they have always lived, with their own ways of life.

The government of Ecuador has recognized the rights of indigenous peoples and has implemented special measures to protect them, like giving them ownership of their ancestral lands and respecting their cultures and traditions. However, there is still a lot of work to be done to ensure that indigenous peoples are fully integrated into Ecuadorian society and can live their lives without fear of discrimination or persecution.