ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean

The Caribbean is a big area near the ocean where many people live. Before other people from far away came to the Caribbean, there were already some people who lived there for a very long time, thousands of years even! These people were called indigenous or native peoples because they lived in the area way before anyone else did.

The indigenous peoples of the Caribbean had their own special ways of life. They lived in communities and had their own languages, cultures, and traditions. They were also good at farming, fishing, and hunting for food. They used special and unique tools to catch fish and grow crops. In fact, they were so good at farming that they were able to grow crops that we still eat today, like pineapples, corn, and sweet potatoes!

However, when other people from distant lands arrived in the Caribbean, some of the indigenous peoples had a hard time. These newcomers did things like taking over the land and putting the people to work. This was not very nice, and it made life very difficult for the indigenous peoples. Many of them got sick and some even died because they were not used to the new environment and the diseases that came with the settlers.

Even though some indigenous peoples of the Caribbean disappeared, others still live in the area today. They have been trying to preserve their cultures and traditions by telling stories, singing their songs, and sharing their beliefs with others. Some of these people are called the Taíno and the Garifuna. They try to teach people that just because someone is different from you, it doesn’t mean they are not important.