ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Individual psychology

Individual psychology is all about understanding why people think and behave the way they do. It's like when you try to figure out why your little brother throws tantrums, or why your friend always has a smile on their face.

When we talk about individual psychology, we try to look at a person's personality and behavior as a whole, instead of just focusing on one thing. We think about how their experiences and the way they were raised might have shaped who they are today.

One really important guy who studied individual psychology was named Alfred Adler. He believed that each person has what's called a "lifestyle" - which is kind of like a blueprint for how they live their life.

Adler thought that each person's lifestyle is shaped by their childhood experiences, and by the way they feel about themselves. For example, if your little brother feels like people don't listen to him or give him attention, he might throw tantrums because it's the only way he knows how to get noticed.

In individual psychology, we also talk about things like motivation, goals, and beliefs. We try to figure out what drives a person to do what they do, and what they're hoping to achieve.

It can be really helpful to study individual psychology because it can help us understand why people act the way they do, and how we can communicate with them better. So next time you're wondering why your little brother is throwing a fit, maybe you can use what you know about individual psychology to figure out what he needs.