ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Individualism and Economic Order

Individualism is the idea that each person is important and has their own thoughts and ideas. Economic order, on the other hand, is how people exchange goods and services with others to make everyone better off.

For example, imagine you have a toy and your friend has a snack. If you both want what the other has, you can trade with each other - this is a basic example of an economic exchange. This idea expands to a much larger scale, where people can exchange money for goods or services with other people they don't even know.

Individualism plays a big role in economic order because it is the idea that each person should be free to make their own choices and decisions about how they want to use their resources and engage in economic exchanges with others. It also means that businesses and individuals have the freedom to pursue their own interests and goals, without interference from the government or other groups.

Overall, individualism allows people to make their own choices while economic order provides the structure to help people exchange resources and benefit from these exchanges.