ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Indo-Iranians are a group of people who lived a long time ago. They were part of a larger group called the Indo-European people. The Indo-Iranians spoke a language called Proto-Indo-Iranian.

They lived in a place that is now called Central Asia, which is between Europe and Asia. Some of the countries that are in Central Asia today include Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

The Indo-Iranians were farmers and herders. They had cows, sheep, and goats that they used for milk, cheese, and meat. They also grew crops like wheat, barley, and millet.

Some groups of Indo-Iranians moved to different places over time. Some of them went to Iran, which is a country in the Middle East. They became known as the Iranians. Some went to India, which is a country in south Asia. They became known as the Indo-Aryans.

The Indo-Iranians also had a religion called Zoroastrianism. It was started by a man named Zarathustra, who lived in what is now Iran. Zoroastrianism was one of the first religions to believe in one God instead of many gods.

Today, there are still people who speak languages that are related to Proto-Indo-Iranian, such as Persian (spoken in Iran) and Hindi (spoken in India).