ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Induced stem cells

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called induced stem cells. Do you know what stem cells are? They're special types of cells that can turn into lots of different types of cells in our bodies - like muscle, bone, or even nerve cells. And now, scientists have found a way to create more of these special stem cells in a lab using some tricks.

You know how sometimes mommy or daddy say you can do magic tricks by changing one thing into another? Well, it's kind of like that. Scientists have found a way to start with a skin cell or blood cell (a boring regular cell) and use some special tricks to make it turn into a stem cell. They call these special stem cells 'induced stem cells'.

The way they do this is by putting some special instructions into the boring regular cell. The instructions are like a recipe book that tells the cell what to do. The instructions teach the cell to produce certain proteins or chemicals that turn on the stem cell genes. Remember genes are like instructions that tell a cell what to do. And once the right genes are turned on, the boring regular cell can start to become a special stem cell with the ability to turn into lots of different types of cells.

Why would anyone want to do this, you might ask? Well, scientists think that they could use these special induced stem cells to help make new types of tissues and organs for people who are sick or injured. So if someone has something wrong with their heart, for example, scientists could make new heart cells from the person's own skin cells or blood cells that were turned into stem cells.

So that's the basic idea behind induced stem cells. It's a very cool and cutting-edge new technique that could help heal people in the future!