ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Industrial & Organizational Assessment

Okay kiddo, let's start with a couple of big words. "Industrial" means things related to work and jobs. "Organizational" means things related to how companies or groups are organized. So, when we put these two words together, "industrial and organizational assessment" means looking at how people work in groups and how they can do their jobs better.

Imagine you and your friends are playing a game together. You might want to know how well everyone is doing, if you're all following the rules, and if anyone needs help. You might also want to figure out how you can improve the game to make it more fun. In the same way, companies and organizations want to know how well their employees are doing and how they can improve the way they work together.

There are different ways to assess how people work together. One way is to give them tests or questionnaires to see how well they understand their jobs and what kinds of skills they have. Another way is to observe them doing their work and see what they do well and what they could do better. There are even computer programs and simulations that can help figure out how people work together.

The goal of industrial and organizational assessment is to help companies and organizations work better, which can improve the lives of the people who work there. So, it's kind of like making a game more fun and enjoyable for everyone who plays it.