ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Information technology operations

Information technology operations are like the people who work behind the scenes to make sure everything related to technology in a company or organization is running smoothly.

Just like how you have teachers and helpers in school who help you with different things - like lunch, homework, or games - information technology operations are like the helpers in a company who help people with all the technology-related things they need to do their jobs.

These helpers make sure that everyone in the company can use their computers, phones, and other gadgets to do their work without any problems. They also make sure the websites and apps that the company uses are working properly.

So, imagine you are playing a game on your tablet, and suddenly, the game stops working. You ask your teacher or helper what's wrong with the game, and they try to fix it so that you can keep playing. In the same way, if someone in a company is having trouble with their computer or laptop, the people in information technology operations will try to fix it so that the person can keep working.

Information technology operations also work on making sure the company's data is safe and secure. So, think of them like the "internet police" who make sure nobody steals anything from the company or messes with their computers or websites.

In summary, information technology operations are the helpers in a company who make sure everything related to technology is working as it should, and they make sure the company's data is safe and secure.