ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Initial IMO Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships

Okay, kiddo. We're going to talk about how we can make ships better for the environment by reducing something called greenhouse gas emissions.

You know how cars have smoke that comes out of their tailpipes? Well, that smoke is bad for the air and can make our planet get warmer. Ships have tailpipes too and they release gases that are even worse for the air than what cars release.

So, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a group that helps make rules to make ships cleaner and safer. They have come up with a strategy to help reduce these harmful emissions from ships.

The first thing they want to do is make sure that ships use less fuel, which will help them release less harmful gases into the air. This means ships will need to be more efficient and use new types of fuel that are cleaner.

IMO also wants to make sure ships are built to be more aerodynamic by creating a design that reduces drag (imagine how you create a paper airplane to fly fast and smooth). This will help ships move through the water faster and use less fuel.

Another thing IMO suggests is for ships to use renewable energy. This means that they can use the sunlight and the wind to move their sails, which will reduce the need for fuel.

Lastly, they want to make sure that everyone knows about the importance of reducing harmful emissions from ships. They want people to understand how important it is to protect the environment and the planet. This way, everyone will work together to make sure that ships become cleaner and safer for everyone.

So, that's the initial strategy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships. By using less fuel, creating more aerodynamic designs, using renewable energy, and educating people about the importance of protecting the environment, we can work together to make ships cleaner and better for the planet!