Okay, so imagine you love painting pictures. But sometimes when you try to paint a really big picture, it doesn't turn out perfectly. Maybe you accidentally paint a part that's supposed to be white, or maybe you smear some paint where it's not supposed to be. This is kinda like when lasers try to make really precise beams of light, but sometimes they don't do it perfectly.
To fix this problem with lasers, scientists came up with something called an injection seeder. It's basically like using a template to make sure your painting turns out perfectly. When you use a template, you put it over your paper and then paint over it. This way, you can make sure everything stays in the right spot and your picture looks just how you want it to.
The injection seeder works kind of like a template, but with lasers. When a laser is trying to make a precise beam of light, it can sometimes get messed up by other light waves. But with an injection seeder, the laser can use a specially-designed template to make sure its beam stays on track. This makes the laser beam super precise and allows us to use lasers for all sorts of important things, like in medicine or electronics. Cool, huh?