ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


In South Korea, there is a community program called "inminban," which means "people's group" in Korean. It is like a neighborhood watch program where people work together to keep their community safe and clean.

Imagine you have a group of friends who live in your neighborhood. Each one of you would have a job to do to keep things nice and safe. Maybe one friend would pick up litter on the street, another would water the plants, and another would keep an eye out for anything that looks strange or out of place.

That's what inminban is like, but it's not just friends. It's everyone in the neighborhood working together to make sure things are good. It's kind of like being on a team where everyone has a special job to do.

If there's a problem in the neighborhood like a broken streetlight, the inminban group would work together to fix it. They might even have a special phone number to call to report any problems so they can be fixed quickly.

Inminban helps everyone feel safe and happy in their community. It's like having a lot of friends looking out for you all the time!