ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Innocence Project

The Innocence Project is like a superhero organization that helps people who have been sent to jail for a crime they didn't actually commit.

Sometimes, people get blamed for something they didn't do, and they end up going to jail for it. It can be really hard to prove that they are innocent because some evidence might not have been collected properly, or witnesses might have lied or been mistaken.

That's where the Innocence Project comes in! They have a team of experts who can look over the evidence again and try to find new evidence that wasn't found before. They might also try to find witnesses who can tell the truth about what really happened.

If they can prove that someone is innocent, then the Innocence Project will work really hard to get that person out of jail and let them go home. They also try to fix any mistakes that were made in the trial so that other people don't get accused of things they didn't do in the future.