ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Input-process-output model of teams

Imagine you are playing with your friends, and you want to build a Lego castle. But to do it, you need to work together with your friends, and everyone needs to do their part.

That's a bit like how a team works. A team is made up of people who come together to work on a project or a goal. And just like building a Lego castle, a team needs to follow a process to get things done.

The input-process-output model is like a recipe for how a team works together. It has three parts:

1. Input: This is like the ingredients you need to make something. In a team, the input includes things like the skills and knowledge of each team member, the resources you have available, and the goals you're trying to achieve.

2. Process: This is like the steps you need to follow to make the thing you're trying to make. In a team, the process includes things like communication, decision-making, and problem-solving.

3. Output: This is like the end result of your hard work - the Lego castle you built! In a team, the output is the final product, whether it's a report, a project, or achieving a goal.

So, when you're working with your team, you need to make sure you have all the ingredients you need - everyone's skills, the resources you need, and a clear goal. Then you'll follow the process - communicate with each other, make decisions together, and solve problems along the way. And if you do it all right, the end result will be something awesome that you made together!