ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Instant hot water dispenser

Have you ever wanted hot water right away for your tea or hot cocoa but had to wait for the water to boil on the stove? Well, an instant hot water dispenser is like magic! It's a little machine that gives you hot water right away, just by pushing a button.

So how does it work? The instant hot water dispenser is connected to your kitchen sink and it has a special tank inside that heats up the water super fast, almost like a microwave. When you push the button, the machine sends the hot water out of a spout and you can fill up your cup with hot water in no time!

But you have to be careful, because the water is really hot, just like when you boil water on the stove. So, make sure to push the button gently and be sure to keep your hands away from the hot water spout. Also, you should always have an adult help you install the instant hot water dispenser since it involves plumbing and electricity.

Overall, an instant hot water dispenser is a very convenient and efficient way to get hot water for your drinks, and it's just like having your own little hot water genie in your kitchen!