ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Instinctive drowning response

Imagine you're swimming in a pool with your friends. Suddenly, you start to feel like you can't keep your head above the water and you start to panic. You try to call out for help but you can't because your mouth is under the water. This is what we call the instinctive drowning response.

Your body will automatically do a few things to try to keep you safe and stay above the water. First, your arms will flail around and you'll try to grab onto anything nearby to help you stay afloat. Second, you'll start to bob up and down in the water because your body is trying to lift itself up so your face can come above the water. This can make it look like someone is just "playing around" in the water but it's actually their body's natural response to drowning.

Finally, when someone is drowning, they can't scream for help. This is because when their mouth goes underwater, they can't breathe and screaming would waste the limited air they have left.

It's important to know that the instinctive drowning response happens very quickly and it can be hard to identify. So if you ever see someone who looks like they might be drowning, it's important to act fast and help them out of the water or call for help immediately.